
concurso bankruptcy



  • Review of the company accounting.

  • Possible rescindible operations carried out by the company in the last two years.

  • Identification of your assets and liabilities.

  • Effects of the presentation of the insolvency in the company.

concurso bankruptcy

Agreement and settlement


  • Proposal for a creditors’ agreement so that the company’s activity can go on, establishing a debt reduction and/or a delay with its creditors.

  • Preparation of the Viability Plan and the Payment Plan.

  • Company Liquidation Plan, total or partial, so that the profitable business units can survive, and the inefficient ones can be liquidated.

concurso bankruptcy

Responsibility of Administrators and representatives


  • Advice within the process to seek the fortuitous qualification of the bankruptcy of your company and safeguard the responsibilities of the administrators and representatives of the company.

If you are interested in Bankruptcy Law, Guillermo Plaza, a lawyer specialized in the matter, regularly writes entries on this legal branch in THIS BLOG.

If, on the other hand, you prefer a more informative content, in our blog we have an infinite number of articles that have to do with bankruptcy, such as THIS ONE.

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icono ubica  Paseo de la Audiencia, 2- 4º (Burgos)

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icono ubica  Paseo de la Audiencia, 2- 4º (Burgos)